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SteriBump®-UE is a sterile, cost-effective, time-saving alternative to cloth bundling for patient protection and support in the O.R. SteriBump-UE is specifically made for upper-extremities. In place of cloth bundling, Innovative Medical Products created SteriBump®, a latex-free, contoured, polyurethane foam block with a closed-cell geometry, to significantly reduce foreign particulates during surgery. The most frequently identified debris contributing to post-surgical complications are lint and fibers. Where do lint fibers come from? One study found that cotton towels are the #1 producer of lint which has been identified as the most frequent contaminant carrier contributing to post-surgical complications. Lint fiber contaminates can carry microorganisms that are capable of increasing a patients infection risk, such as producing adhesions, infections, granulomas, and blood clots.


SKU: 508-S
  • Features & Benefits

    • Single-use sterile surgical bump designed to eliminate textile or linen bundles in the OR
    • Height allows for upper limb to be positioned closer to the operative surface
    • Reduce labor, time, and costs in SPD
    • Guaranteed sterile, lint-free, & latex-free
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